Category: Blog

  • Grape Harvest in the Penedès, Spain

    Grape Harvest in the Penedès, Spain

    The end of August marks the beginning of grape harvest season in the Penedès wine region of Spain. Tractors overloaded with grapes crowd the roads and create traffic jams on the normally empty roads. Even the locals who know the back-road shortcuts aren’t immune to being stuck behind a grape harvesting machine or truck hauling […]

  • Panoramic: Penedès Wine Region, Spain

    This panoramic was captured on a biking trip through parts of the Penedès Wine Region of Spain. The village in the background is la llacuna, Spain with views of the mountain of Montserrat behind it. Panoramic of the Penedès Wine Region of Spain, 2009. Click to view a larger version of the photo. When the […]

  • Biking the Penedès Wine Region, Spain

    I am doing a WorkAway in the Penedès Wine region of Spain a few hours outside of Barcelona. My host runs a wine tourism business which partly specializes in giving tours of the wine region on bike. This Sunday we set out for a 30km ride to see some of the sights around the area. Click […]

  • This Will Destroy You @ Lido. Berlin, Germany

    I had the opportunity to shoot This Will Destroy You at Lido in Berlin, Germany last Sunday. This Will Destroy You is an instrumental rock back from Texas that I discovered earlier in the year thanks to one of my favorite web comics, Questionable Content. Since then it’s been on non-stop playback. Check out the […]

  • EU & UK Photoshop Passport Photo Template Release

    *Update Feb 2016*  Due to the popularity of this template, I created a better and easier solution for both travelers and professional photographers. I’m happy to announce the launch of You can create passport photos online for FREE. For professionals, there is also a new updated template and expanded service that automates many photo sizes. […]